

DEHUKAM Board of Directors Meeting Was Held

The Board of Directors of DEHUKAM convened at DEHUKAM building under the chairmanship Chairman of the Board of Directors of DEHUKAM Esteemed Süleyman Önel with the participation of the members of the Board of Directors; Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Esteemed Ahmet Yıldız, Deputy Director of Defense and Security of the Ministry of National Defense Vice Admiral Esteemed Dr. Refik Levent Tezcan, Ankara University Faculty of Law academic Esteemed Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Law Dean Esteemed Prof. Dr. Yücel Acer, Dokuz Eylül University Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies Director Esteemed Prof. Dr. Nil Kula and DEHUKAM CEO Esteemed Mustafa Başkara.

During the meeting, DEHUKAM’s national and international activities, projects and multifaceted studies were discussed in detail.