The Academy program titled “DEHUKAM Maritime Law Academy” organized in cooperation with Ankara University National Center for the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAM), DEU Continuing Education Center. (DESEM) and Dokuz Eylül University Aegean Region Research and Application Center (DEU EBAMER) will be held on between 1 July and 12 July. It will be hosted by Izmir Dokuz Eylül University.
On the first day of the Academy program, where Maritime Law experts from many universities will contribute, Prof. Dr. Nil Kula Değirmenci and Dr. Lecturer Member G. Venüs Cömert, Day 2 Prof. Dr. Yücel Acer and Dr. Lecturer Member Nurser Gökdemir Işık, 3rd day Prof. Dr. Sezer Ilgın and Assoc. Dr. Fevzi Topsoy, 4th day Assoc. Dr. Cüneyt Süzel and Assoc. Dr. Ecehan Yeşilova Aras. Day 5 Assoc. Dr. Gülfer Meriç Kuyucu and Prof. Dr. Kerim Atamer, 6th day Dr. Lecturer Member Banu Bozkurt and Dr. Lecturer Member Ceren Cerit Dindar, 7th day Prof. Dr. Emine Yazıcıoğlu and Assoc. Dr. Melda Taşkın, 8th day Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir and Dr. Lecturer Member Elvin Kerime Silahtaroğlu, 9th day Atty. Nazlı Selek and Dr. Lecturer Member Tamer Yalçın, 10th day Dr. Lecturer Member Melisa Konfidan and Dr. Lecturer Member İlknur Uluğ Cicim will make their presentations. There will also be a case study session every day.
To register for the training program:
Participation in the Maritime Law Academy Training Program is limited.