
The 22nd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols (COP 22

The 22nd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols (COP 22) took place on 7-10 December 2021 in Antalya, Turkey.

The meetings of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols, held every two years, constitute the principal gathering on environment and sustainable development in the region. Legal contribution was provided by DEHUKAM throughout the entire process of COP22 themed “Towards a Blue Mediterranean: Leaving a Pollution-Free Legacy, Protecting Biodiversity, and Sustaining Climate Stability”. DEHUKAM’s Chair of Board of the Directors Prof. Dr. Hakan Karan, CEO Mustafa Başkara, Senior Researchers Dr. Beyza Öztuanlı Şanda and Dr. Nasıh Sarp Ergüven, Researchers Zeynep Damla Işık, Berilşah Kocabıyık and Seyhan Gül Yılmaz attended COP 22 and presented their legal contributions at every stage of the meeting. Besides, on December 7, 2021, the first day of COP 22, a side event on the “Blue Economy” was held. In the event, on behalf of DEHUKAM, DEHUKAM’s Chair of Board of the Directors Prof. Dr. Hakan Karan gave the opening speech.

Subsequently, a presentation titled “Blue Economy and Sustainable Ocean Governance: MSP A Way Forward” was given by Prof. Dr. Daud Hassan.